Tilgængelig på restordre


  • Intel® 1,6Ghz Atom Core with HT
  • 10/100/1000 network
  • 512MB SDRAM DDR-2
  • 512MB flash
  • 1  PS/2 ports
  • 4 USB Ports  (2 front)
  • DVI port
  • G945GSE Graphics to 1600*1200/32bit and 1920*1200/32bit
  • Dual Screen support
  • 1920*1200/32bit (opt)
  • Sound-in/out
  • Internal speaker
  • External powersuply
  • Wake on LAN + PXE
  • Kensington lock
  • 156 x 36 x 122 mm
  • Weigth 670g
  • eLux RL Software
  • Scout Workgroup management
  • 1 year warrenty mail in(3 year optional)
  • 20 watts/Hour max. (1/4 of a standard ligth bulb )


  • Y-cable for dual screen
  • Y.cable for 2 PS/2 port
  • Vesa Mounting brackets
  • Wireless USB adapter
  • Touch screens
  • Smart card readers
  • USB mouse
  • USB keyboard
  • USB DVD drives


  • UC_RL Container
  • Baseos 2.3+


NEXceed, better hardware ,more power , smaller box , superiour software. It is no big news we have sold eLux RL for a year by now on the NEXterminal NEXtreme unit. eLux RL has in fact been on the market for 2 years. The successor of eLux NG

With 10 years on the market we feel sure our eLux is the rigth choice for our customers. and we fell sure this new hardware model is what everybody has been asking for.

NEXceed will be available with eLux RL ( with and without Scout) , and with eLux Lite ( with and without Scout )

It is a Lightening fast terminal showing Video in RDP almost flawless and scrolling web pages at a native PC. The NEXceed has everything you need in performance, without buying a PC.

Go Dual screen with two 1920×1200, and feel the efficiency of large display and multiple sessions on multiple screens.

NEXterminal Reloaded is a complete new version of eLux NG. Reloaded has better graphics,
better handling of USB devices and a newer kernel to accommodate newer hardware. Reloaded also caries the look and feel of the well know GNOME user interface, but better yet, the GNOME is still controlled by Scout.

Reloaded is 100% compatible with Scout verison 11 and newer. Scout version 11 take care of eLux NG and eLux Reloaded.

NEXceed will be supplied with eLux Lite  and Scout Management as standard. The full eLux RL is Optional.

Estimated street price is 315 euro.

All prices is excl VAT and delivery

eLux RL for NEXTerminal


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